
Mooyoung Starting as Dongin Architects Group in 1980, and has since 1985 led Korea’s architectural culture in the fields of housing complex planning, architectural design, construction supervision, engineering, and computer applications. We embrace a philosophy in which architectural starts with human life and strive to enhance the quality of human life, and so we design people’s future happiness with unquenched passion.

When looking back on the history of human kind, architecture has always been a historic evidence that contains the society, economy, culture and art of the past. We at Mooyoung A&E think that architects are the specialists with an appreciative eye to read the contemporary culture as well as a great sense which is a step ahead of everyone. Furthermore we believe that the fundamental purpose of the architecture is to make human lives more comfortable and the act of architecture itself is a process that makes cities beautiful. Architecture starts from the human life and the direction that it should take lies in improving the quality of the human life.

In the consideration with characteristic and identity of building, Mooyoung A&E proposes the valuable solution for the client, provides the space with higher comfort level and beauty. As well as, emphasis of design and plan as the top priority, we will keep devoting ourselves to lead Korean architectural culture.

Mooyoung Architects & Engineers Co., Ltd.